============================================================================= THE MINDCRAFT BBS AND OTHER BBS SUPPORT If you have a modem, we operate a bulletin board system that contains product demos, upgrades, information, and playing tips. Call the MIndcraft BBS at (310) 320-5196 300-16,800 N,8,1 You will be able to download files and read messages the first time you logon but to get validated and increase time allowed on BBS, please leave a detailed validation letter explaining your full name, phone number, where you saw our BBS number ("Walls of Rome") and the names of all Mindcraft games you have purchased. Mindcraft customer support is also available on CompuServe and GEnie. To access Mindcraft in CompuServe...type GO Mindcraft to access Mindcraft Customer Support...type GO GAMEPUB from any ! prompt to go directly to the Game Publishers Forum. If you are not already a CompuServe Member, you can call CompuServe toll-free at 1-800-524-3388 and ask for representative #379 for your free introductory membership and $15 usage credit. To reach Mindcraft Customer Support on GEnie...type M805;1 from and ? prompt. Select category 14 for Mindcraft Software. In addition to support, upgrades and demos are available in the "Games RoundTable Libraries." ============================================================================= - END OF FILE -